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User Guide

This documentation explains how regular users access to Skyway and submit jobs to use cloud services. Please refer to the Skyway home page for more information and news.

Gaining Access

You first need an active RCC User account (see accounts and allocations page). Next, you should contact your PI or class instructors for access to Skyway. Alternatively, you can reach out to our Help Desk at for assistance.


You need to log in to the HPC cluster.

ssh -Y [cnetid]

For Midway3 users,

  module use /project/rcc/shared/modulefiles
  module load skyway

Running Jobs

You submit jobs to cloud in a similar manner to what do on your HPC cluster. The difference is that you should specify different partitions and accounts corresponding to the cloud services you have access to. Additionally, the instance configuration should be specified via --constraint.

1) List all the node types available to an account

skyway_nodetypes --account=your-aws-account
skyway_nodetypes --account=your-gcp-account

To submit jobs to cloud, you must specify a type of virtual machine (VM) by the option --constraint=[VM Type]. The VM types currently supported through Skyway can be found in the table below. You can also get an up-to-date listing of the machine types by running command sinfo-node-types on a skyway login node.

VM Type
Configuration Description AWS EC2 Instance
t1 1 core, 1GB RAM for testing and building software t2.micro
c1 1 core, 4B RAM for serial jobs c5.large
c8 8 cores, 32GB RAM for medium sized multicore jobs c5.4xlarge
c36 36 cores, 144GB RAM for large memory jobs c5.18xlarge
g1 4 cores, 61 GB RAM, 1x V100 GPU for GPU jobs p3.2xlarge
g4 16 cores, 244 GB RAM, 4x V100 GPU for heavy GPU jobs p3.8xlarge
g5 8 cores, 32 GB RAM, 1x A10G GPU for heavy GPU jobs p5.2xlarge
m24 24 cores, 384GB RAM for large memory jobs c5.12xlarge

2) Allocate/provision an instance

skyway_alloc --account=rcc-aws --constraint=t1 --time=01:00:00
For a GPU instance, use
skyway_alloc -A rcc-aws --constraint=g5 --time=00:30:00

3) List all the running VMs with an account

skyway_list --account=rcc-aws

4) Transfer data to the instance named your-run

skyway_transfer --account=rcc-aws -J your-run

5) Connect to the VM named your-run

skyway_connect --account=rcc-aws your-run

Once on the VM, do

source activate pytorch
python > ~/output.txt
scp output.txt [yourcnetid]
At this point, there would be a file named output.txt in your Midway3 home folder.

6) Cancel/terminate/cancel a job

skyway_cancel --account=rcc-aws [job_name]

Expected behavior: The jobs (VMs) got terminated. When run skyway_list (step 3 above) the VM will not be present.

The following steps are for launching interactive and batch jobs.

7) Submit an interactive job (combinig steps 4, 6 and 7)

7a) to AWS

skyway_interative --account=rcc-aws --constraint=t1 --time=01:00:00
For a GPU instance, use
skyway_interative --account=rcc-aws --constraint=g5 -t 00:30:00

7b) to midway3

skyway_interactive --account=rcc-midway3 --constraint=t1 --time=01:00:00
Expected behavior: the user lands on a compute node or a VM on a separate terminal.

8) Submit a batch job

A sample job script would look like this


#SBATCH --job-name=your-run
#SBATCH --account=rcc-aws
#SBATCH --constraint=g1

source activate pytorch

8a) Submit the job

8b) Connect to the VM to check the current progress of the run (like step 7)
skyway_connect -A rcc-aws -J your-run

Once on the VM:

ls -lrt
cat output.txt

8c) Transfer output data from cloud

skyway_transfer --account=rcc-aws -J your-run --from-cloud --cloud-path=~/model*.pkl .

8d) Cancel the job (like step 6)


For further assistance, please contact our Help Desk at